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See What Your Friends Are Doing

Are you competitive? Do you like destroying your friends in competitions? then this page is for you! Every week post how much water you used. (Remember this is all averaged so your usage could be a little more or a little less.)

1 minute shower- 2.5 gallons

Multiply that by how many minutes you shower. (remember this isn't how much time you're in the shower but how much time the shower is running)

Flushing a toilet- 1.4 gallons 

Multiply that by how many times you flush the toilet.

Brushing your teeth with the tap running-5 gallons

Multiply that by how many times you brush your teeth with the tap on.

Brushing your teeth without the tap running- .25

Multiply that by how many times you brush your teeth without the tap on.

Bath- 5 gallons

Multiply that by the number of times you take a bath.

Load of laundry- 40 gallons

Multiply that by the loads of laundry your family does weekly

Dishwasher- 10 gallons

Multiply that by the number of times your family runs the dishwasher

Hose and Sprinkler- 140 gallons a hour

Multiply that by the number of hours your sprinklers are running.

Don't forget to log your use!








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